With Love, J. Sheppard

The Heart of Your Assignment

jelina sheppardComment

He asked me, “How’s your heart?”.`
What if I told you I know what your “purpose” is? Because I do and you should know too. 

In my latest book I talk about how every relationship you encounter and invest in should be one of purpose; and yield or show some evidence of a desirable return. Well, the same principle applies to the spiritual relationship you take on if you’re into that sort of thing. For instance, I love Jesus. He’s my savior..... When storms are raging..... he’s my shelt.... (sorry, sometimes I’m musically minded.) But anyway, Jesus is my guy of choice. (For my hearts out there, this piece is very biased, but truthful nonetheless.) 

When it comes to your relationship with him, you have what is called a greater purpose or “assignment”. So in the Christianity realm, everyone’s assignment is different.... to a certain extent. (Again, my own personal belief.) While God has given us all different things to do and accomplish while here on earth, at the heart of every assignment is worship. God created us to worship him... that’s really the foundation of why we were created.

Isaiah 43:21, “the people I made especially for myself, a people custom made to praise me.” (MSG).

I mean think about it, what is the one thing that every Christian is supposed to be able to do? What is the one “gift” we all have in common? Worshipping. (Sidebar: when we worship, it is a gift from God to us. Whose changed through worship? Not him... He’s God and needs nothing... but we are always changed for the better when we engage in worship and beautiful things happen for us when we do. So, there you have it. It’s a gift... or present. ) 

Worship is a gift, yes, but it’s also a gift in the sense of God-given ability... and it’s an ability every Christian has.  It is what unifies us as a body. Even though we have different talents, giftings, and even sin struggles... we all have one thing in common and that’s the ability to worship. We are equal in that area. Reason being, worship is based on relationship. I come so that you may have life more abundantly.... or For God so loved the world he gave his only son...whoever believes in him can have everlasting life.” God wants to have a relationship with every being he’s created. Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you..... Well if you know anything about being “known” in the Bible, it centers around intimacy, hence relationship, which brings me back to worship. The closer your relationship is with God, the better your ability to worship. So yeah. At the heart of everyone’s assignment in Christ, is worship. 

If when you go into the house of God, assemble yourself with the body for worship, or do anything for God’s glory; if you do everything that your assignment entails but don’t offer up sincere worship (whatever that looks like for you, just know it’s your relationship on display), you haven’t given God 100%.... you haven’t done everything you’re supposed to do in your assignment. I sing a lot... but that’s not why I was created... my singing is merely an avenue or tool he gave me to use in my worship. The number one priority for my vocal ability is not to entertain people or collect money. My number one use of the tool he gave me is to worship him. I’m to use my voice to show off my relationship with him and let it be known, God gave me this talent. And with this talent I’m going to “multiply” or use it in different ways to glorify him. The more I do that, my gift begins making room for me to do more, including meet my needs as long as I seek ye first the kingdom of God... then ALL things will be added unto me. What things are added? Whatever is going to increase you and make your time here on earth a better expression of relationship with him. Anyway, I’m starting to ramble so let me wrap it up. 

I gave that example of me singing, but the truth is, it applies to anyone and every ability or talent and skill we have. When we come together as “believers”, the way we show unity or demonstrate we are one body with different functions, is through our heart. You only have one and without it, your body doesn’t work. Yeah the brain is important and needed, but you can be brain dead and still be considered “alive”. However, if your heart dies, nothing else will function or work. 

I said all that to say, at the heart of every assignment is worship. How well you worship represents the health of your “heart” which is directly linked to your well being. You are a worshipper first before all else, so when you get caught up in “serving” and being busy in life or ministry and you start to get sidetracked and flustered by the logistics... get back to the heart of your assignment.

If you want eternal life, build perpetual worship.